New Delhi: While addressing a press conference, Congress leader Alka Lamba said, "First Hathras incident, and now Unnao. Uttar Pradesh is becoming the epicentre of crimes. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has completely failed to provide protection to the girls against crimes. Seems like 'Beti Bachao' slogan was a warning."
Questioning the silence of Union Minister Smriti Irani, she said, "Why is she silent? She is an MP from Uttar Pradesh. She is the Union Minister of Women and Child Development. Has she even written a sympathetic tweet towards these girls? I think now WCD Ministry also speaks only in those matters which can benefit BJP Government."
Congress also played out a video of Prime Minister Narendra Modi from 2017 in which he was questioning then-Samajwadi party government over the rising crimes against women.