Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh): Shooter Vijay Chaudhary, who was the main accused in the Umesh Pal murder case, was killed by the police in an encounter in Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh here on Monday morning, sources said. Vijay Chaudhary alias Usman (shooter Vijay Kumar aka Usman Chaudhary) was allegedly the first one to shoot Umesh Pal in the Prajayagraj killing.
The CCTV footage in the Umesh Pal murder case has surfaced. It showed as soon as Umesh Pal's car stopped, the attacker who went near him fired the first shot from the pistol at Umesh Pal and his official gunner. The same shooter was killed by the police in today's encounter, police said. This encounter between the police and the miscreants took place in Prayagraj's Kaundhiyara police station area.
The shootout started when the police team had gone there in search of the Umesh Pal shooters. On seeing the policemen, the shooter Usman alias Vijay Chaudhary started firing on the police team, sources said. The police also retaliated, in which the shooter Usman got shot. Police sent him to SRN Hospital for treatment, where he was declared brought dead.
Read More: Accused in Umesh Pal murder case shot dead in police encounter in Prayagraj