Prayagraj: Days after police gunned down the shooter in the Umesh Pal murder case Vijay Chaudhary alias Usman, his wife Suhani alleged that the incident was not an encounter, but an act of revenge by the Uttar Pradesh Government and Police. Speaking to ETV Bharat Suhani further alleged that the State government and police has taken revenge on her husband by killing him in the same way as he used to kill others.
Confirming that it was her husband who was killed in an encounter in Prayagraj, Suhani alleged that this was no way of serving justice. Suhani said that she would have accepted if her husband was hanged or sentenced to life imprisonment by a court, but killing him outright was a wrong step on part of the State Government and police.
She admitted that her husband committed a crime by killing three persons but police should have shot him in his arms or legs and then produce him before a court instead of killing him in an encounter. " Even if the court had awarded a death sentence or life imprisonment to my husband, I would have accepted it. But the way police killed him in an encounter, proves that there is no difference between police and my husband," said Suhani.