Mathura (Uttar Pradesh): Two women devotees died of suffocation due to overcrowding at a Mathura temple on Sunday. The incident took place at 4.30 pm at Banke Bihari temple in Uttar Pradesh's Mathura, official sources said. A woman has been identified as Anjali Gupta (62). According to sources, at 4.30 pm on Sunday, the health of two female devotees standing in the queue suddenly deteriorated. The two women were rushed to a hospital where the doctors declared them dead. Sources said that devotees have to reach the temple to have darshan in a queue of about 4 kilometres long.
Lakhs of devotees arrived at the Banke Bihari temple on Saturday and Sunday on the eve of the new year. The district administration has also made additional entry and exit gates in the areas around the temple, however, due to large crowds, serpentine queues have been formed.