Meerut (Uttar Pradesh) : Sons of a woman, who were upset with her remarriage, opened fire on her second husband, killing him along with the driver of the e-rickshaw in which he was travelling. The accused launched the attack when their target was travelling in the e-rickshaw at the Saifpur Karamchand tri-section in Hastinapur area of Uttar Pradesh's Meerut district, police said.
The two victims, one of them being the e-rickshaw driver, were shot at by motorcycle-borne people nearly 30 km from the district headquarters. According to police reports, Surendra, 40, was driving his e-rickshaw, and Arvind, 22, who was sitting in it as a passenger, were shot at by three to four men. Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Rohit Singh Sajwan, said that both were rushed to a nearby hospital, where they succumbed to gunshot wounds.