Noida (UP):A court in Uttar Pradesh's Gautam Buddh Nagar has sentenced two men to life imprisonment for raping a college student after abducting her at gunpoint, recording the act and posting the video online.
The District and Sessions Court also slapped a combined penalty of Rs 80,000 on the two over the crime that took place in Greater Noida six years ago, according to the order issued Special Judge Ved Prakash Verma on Tuesday.
A third accused in the case, who was allegedly driving the SUV in which the student was abducted from near her village, has been absolved of the charges for lack of evidence, Assistant District Government Counsel (ADGC) Dharmendra Jaint said.
"Two main accused, who belonged to the student's village, have been convicted. We will be appealing the case against the third accused again," Jaint said.
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