Fatehpur/Ballia (Uttar Pradesh):A 70-year-old woman was allegedly raped by a drunk man in Fatehpur district of Uttar Pradesh. In another incident, a 98-year-old woman was raped in Ballia. The accused in both cases have been arrested. According to the police, the victim in Fatehpur was a beggar and used to sleep in a primary school building in the Tharinav police circle.
On Sunday night, accused Laxmi Lodhi, 32, reached the school in an inebriated state and allegedly raped her. Tharinav police station in charge, Nandlal Singh, said that Lodhi has been arrested on Monday and the victim has been sent for medical examination. In Ballia, the 98-year-old woman was in her house when the 22-year-old accused raped her on August 20.