Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh):A three-month-old girl was mauled to death by a stray dog in Uttar Pradesh's Aligarh on Saturday night, police said. The incident took place at Maharana Pratap Colony of Swarna Jayanti Nagar area of Thana Quarsi. Street dogs lifted up a three-month-old girl sleeping in the house and attacked her as a result she died on the spot, police said.
According to the police, a marriage ceremony was going on in the house where the incident took place. At the same time, two dogs entered the house and dragged the three-month-old girl while she was sleeping and killed her. The locals saw the dog roaming around with the girl child in its mouth. Hearing the noise of the locals, the dog left the girl and ran away. However, the girl died on the spot.
Also read:Girl mauled to death by stray dogs in AP's Srikakulam district