Farrukhabad:A primary school in Uttar Pradesh's Farrukhabad, which is run by three teachers, who are tasked with teaching 159 students out on the road due to lack of space to accommodate them; speaks volumes of the system that fails to take care of students' educational needs. The only room of the school is unable to house students, who are forced to attend classes on the road out in the biting December cold.
The alleged lack of action by the authorities of Galarpur Primary School in Rajepua block aggravated the deplorable condition of students, who have no option but to receive lessons on the road. Teachers said despite informing the higher authorities about the plight of students, nothing has come up yet.
Principal Yatindra Khare blamed land disputes for the situation. He admitted that there is a requirement of five class rooms in the school. "The school has one room, one toilet and one kitchen. There is a faulty hand pump installed outside the school premises. Arrangements for drinking water for children have been made at some distance away," Khare said.