Lucknow: Stray dogs on Tuesday mauled two minor girls in Wazirganj area of Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow, officials said. Officials said that the incident took place Wazirganj police station area on Tuesday evening. It is learnt that Paridhi Sonkar, 9, daughter of Deepu Sonkar and Mishti Sonkar, 10, daughter of Deepu's brother Ritesh Sonkar were playing outside their house when a pack of stray dogs attacked them.
On being attacked by the dogs, the little girls screamed in panic after which their parents came out for their rescue. When the relatives came out of the house after hearing the screams of the girls, the dogs had mauled the two. The family members saved the girls from the dogs with great difficulty. The injured girls were later shifted to the hospital for treatment and are said to be stable.
Also read:Gujarat: Stray dogs kill 3-year-old boy in Amreli
Significantly, there has been an upstick in the canine attacks in the area due to which the locals are living under constant terror of dogs. Due to frequent dog attacks in Lucknow, people have stopped sending their children from going out of the house to play in the open. After the Tuesday's attack, people are patrolling the streets with sticks.
Locals have attributed the rise in canine attacks to the open slaughtering of animals in the area which provides readily available food to the dogs. Locals say that even now in many places animals are slaughtered secretly and their remains are thrown in the open. The dogs turn violent after eating the remains of the animals.
When they do not get meat on a daily basis, they attack children, the locals say. Many such incidents have come to the fore in the last two months in the Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow. Locals alleged that the officials of the municipal corporation have turned a dead ear towards the issue.