Lucknow:BSP chief Mayawati on Friday attacked the Samajwadi Party, saying it should not "insult" the marginalised sections of society by calling them "Shudra". She also asserted that the Constitution of India is the book of the weaker and marginalised sections of the society, and not the Ramcharitmanas and Manusmriti.
Mayawati's remarks came a day after senior Samajwadi Party leader and national general secretary Swami Prasad Maurya said only women and Shudras can feel the pain of the "derogatory" remarks made against them in the guise of religion. In a series of tweets in Hindi, Mayawati said, "Ramcharitmanas and Manusmriti are not the books of the weaker and marginalised section of society, but it is the Constitution of India, in which Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar had not called them as Shudra, but as SC, ST and OBC.
Therefore, the Samajwadi Party should not insult them by calling them as Shudra, nor they should defy the Constitution." "In the matter of disregard ('upekshaa') and contempt ('tiraskaar') of great saints, gurus and eminent personalities, parties like the Congress, BJP and Samajwadi Party are no less than anyone," Mayawati.
"Also before advocating for them, the SP chief must remember the incident of June 2, 1995 at the State Guest House in Lucknow, where a daughter of a Dalit, who was going to become a chief minister, was attacked during the Samajwadi Party government. The attack was fatal," she said. The BSP chief also said that it is well-known that the self-respect of the SC, ST, OBC, Muslims and religious minorities is always safe in the BSP. The other parties are trying to win their votes by different types of dramatisation, she charged.