Gorakhpur: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday accused the SP, BSP and the Congress of putting roadblocks on the development of the state by dividing the society for their benefits.
"The SP, BSP and the Congress never thought of developing the state, had they thought of this they would not have divided the society. Arson, riots, mob violence, clashes used to happen daily under previous governments. Every day, they looted public funds, rations reserved for the poor in the state," Adityanath said at an election rally here.
He also accused the previous governments of hindering the celebration of religious festivals in UP by allowing goons to wreak havoc. He said this practice was stopped as soon as his government came to power.
"Earlier the governments did not allow the celebration of Janmashtami, Durga Puja and other festivals. Riots used to start before every festival. We cleared that no obstruction on festivals would be allowed, we said that there are only two places were a goon is welcome in Uttar Pradesh, either a jail or Ram naam satya hai," Adityanath said.