Sitapur(Uttar Pradesh):In a shocking incident a couple was hacked to death by the neighbours after fter the deceased couple's son eloped with the neighbour's daughter three times, in the Hargaon police station area in Sitapur on Friday, police said.
According to the police, the victims have been identified as Abbas Ali (55) and Kamrul Nisha (53). They were subjected to a savage assault involving edged weapons. Following the notification of the occurrence, police authorities, including Superintendent of Police Chakresh Mishra, promptly arrived at the scene. In order to guarantee safety, additional police personnel were deployed in the village as a precautionary step.
Superintendent Chakresh Mishra said, "The initial investigation including the eyewitness, the children and villagers who were present at the scene, has pointed towards the involvement of neighbours in the tragic incident. The core of the incident revolved around the elopement of the deceased couple's son with the daughter of the accused family.