New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Friday ordered a stay on Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Azam Khan's bail condition imposed by Allahabad High Court citing it 'disproportionate.' The Supreme Court sought a response from the Uttar Pradesh government on the SP leader's plea challenging the bail condition imposed by the Allahabad HC related to Jauhar University.
Earlier, the Supreme Court stayed the Allahabad HC's bail condition imposed on Azam Khan directing DM Rampur to take possession of land attached to Jauhar University. The Supreme Court noted that the Allahabad HC bail condition was 'disproportionate' and sounded like a 'decree of civil court.'
Notably, the Allahabad High Court granted interim bail to Azam Khan on May 10 in the land grabbing case related to Jauhar University on the condition that the SP leader will return the entire property to paramilitary forces and will furnish a personal bond of Rs 1 lakh and two sureties of like amount.