Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): Suheldev Bhartiya Samaj Party chief Om Prakash Rajbhar, who leads a front of small parties in Uttar Pradesh, on Tuesday said his outfit will ally with the BJP if it picks a backward caste leader as its chief minister candidate for next year's assembly polls.
The SBSP leader, once an ally of the BJP, made the remark after a meeting with BJP state president Swatantra Dev Singh and vice-president Dayashankar Singh that he initially described as a courtesy call. He first said the chances of an alliance with the BJP are negligible and vowed to root out the party from the state in next year's elections.
But Rajbhar went on to hold out the possibility of an alliance with the ruling party and BJP's Dayashankar Singh predicted that the two parties will contest the 2022 polls together. Rajbhar, who had recently launched Bhagidari Sankalp Morcha as a political front of small parties, said, "The BJP is keen to forge an alliance with us. They think it is necessary to enter into an alliance with us to form the government again."
"If our demands, including the announcement of a backward caste person as CM candidate, a census to collate the backward caste population, 33 percent reservation, common & compulsory free education are met, then we can consider an alliance," the former minister said.
The BJP has a government in UP and at the Centre, so it should not have problems in implementing our demands, he said. "Till the BJP does not initiate on their part to fulfill our demands, how can things materialize?" he added.
Earlier, Rajbhar told reporters after the meeting with the BJP state chief, "Swatantra Dev is a leader of backward classes and also the BJP state president. It was a courtesy meeting with him. We have personal relations. I had some work due to which I went there. There is no political meaning in this meeting."