Rampur/Varanasi:An FIR has been registered against Tamil Nadu Chief Minister's son Minister Uday Nidhi Stalin and Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge's son Priyanka Kharge for making lewd remarks about Sanatan Dharma in Uttar Pradesh's Rampur. Senior advocates Harsh Gupta and Ram Singh Lodhi have lodged a complaint in Rampur's Kotwali Civil Lines for "hurting religious sentiments."
Plaintiff and advocate Harsh Gupta said that on September 4, minister Uday Nidhi Stalin had given an inflammatory statement regarding Sanatan Dharma. In this, he talked about its destruction just like dengue, malaria and corona. His statement was supported by Karnataka Minister and Priyanka Kharge, son of Congress National President Mallikarjuna Kharge. This has hurt the religious sentiments of those, who believe in Hinduism. Both have tried to spread religious frenzy with their statement. In this regard, former president of Rampur Bar Association Ram Singh Lodhi gave a statement to the Superintendent of Police, Rampur. On this, he has filed a case against both of them at the Civil Lines police station.