New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday hit out at Samajwadi Party accusing it of giving tickets to "rioters" in the Uttar Pradesh polls and said it was "on the back foot" after releasing the first list of candidates. In an exclusive interview with ANI, Yogi Adityanath said the opposition party was trying to "bring 'mafiavad' in the state once again".
The Chief Minister said that during the past five years of BJP rule in the state "professional criminals" and "rioters" either left the state or got their bails cancelled and went back to jails. He said Samajwadi Party came with its first list close to polls and it had showed its "criminal mindset".
The Chief Minister also targeted Congress. "In five years rioters and professional criminals either left the state or were in jail. As elections approached...Samajwadi Party's first list (had) rioters of Saharanpur, of Muzaffarpur, the criminals responsible for migration of Hindu traders from Kairana, the way tickets were given in Bulandshahr, Siyana, Loni, all this shows that criminal mindset, tamanchawadi mentality, mafiavadi mentality, these political parties whether Samajwadi Party or Congress, they have not been able to get over it," he said.