Lucknow: A special CBI court holding trial in the Babri mosque demolition case on Wednesday deferred the recording of Shiv Sena leader Satish Pradhan's statement due to non-connectivity of the court's video conferencing system with that of the mobile or laptop of the accused.
Special Judge SK Yadav slated the recording of accused Pradhan's statement under section 313 of the CrPC to July 22 after the agency, which has installed the system, told the court that it would be able to link the system with any other computer or laptop or mobile by July 17.
Accordingly, the court also decided to record statements of former deputy prime minister LK Advani and senior BJP leader MM Joshi after that.
The statement of former Deputy PM LK Adwani and BJP leader MM Joshi would be recorded on subsequent dates, the court said in its order.
The court, meanwhile, asked Faizabad's Senior Superintendent of Police to provide adequate security to accused Santosh Dubey so that he could come to Lucknow to depose before it under section 313 of Cr P C on July 16.
The court's order came on Dubey's counsel KK Mishra's fears of a threat to his client's life while visiting the court to record his statement.