Mathura: Rajasthan's newly elected CM Bhajan Lal's car met with an accident as it got stuck in a roadside drain in Bharatpur district on Tuesday night, sources said. Deeg Superintendent of Police Brijesh Jyoti Upadhyay said that the accident happened near Poonchari Ka Lotha in Bharatpur on the UP border while the chief minister was on way to Govardhan darshan at the Giriraj temple in Mathura. Upadhyay said that the tyre of the CM's SUV got stuck in a raw drain on the roadside.
CM Bhajanlal narrowly escaped the accident, but was unscathed in the incident. After the accident, CM Bhajanlal left for Govardhan darshan in another car. The Rajasthan CM was given a grand welcome by the locals including BJP workers who garlanded him and chanted slogans. After reaching Govardhan, the Rajasthan Chief Minister offered prayers with rituals in the major temples of Govardhan along with his wife amid tight security arrangements.
Bhajan Lal, along with his wife, was seen absorbed in full devotion during the Govardhan puja. It was the maiden visit of the Rajasthan CM to Govardhan after being elected Chief Minister of Rajasthan. Earlier in the day, the Rajasthan CM visited his home district Bharatpur for the first time after being sworn in as the Rajasthan Chief Minister.