New Delhi: The Congress' Bharat Jodo Yatra on Tuesday entered Uttar Pradesh after resuming its second leg of the journey from the national capital following a nine-day year-end break. Party workers lined up on both sides of the road at the Loni border in Ghaziabad and welcomed Rahul Gandhi and other 'yatris' as the march entered the state.
AICC general secretary in-charge for Uttar Pradesh Priyanka Gandhi Vadra joined the Yatra and welcomed her brother in presence of leaders of the Uttar Pradesh Congress and Delhi Congress. The Yatra flag was handed over between the leaders of both states at a specially made stage. AICC general secretary K C Venugopal, Delhi Congress chief Anil Kumar Chaudhary, and Congress leaders of Uttar Pradesh, including CLP leader Aradhna Mishra, were among those present.
Led by former party chief Rahul Gandhi, the yatra had started from the Hanuman Mandir at Kashmiri Gate in the morning as it made its way through the busy Outer Ring Road. As the Yatra moved forward in Delhi, a huge police force was deployed to ensure there was no untoward incident. However, traffic in several parts of the city on the Ring Road was thrown out of gear.