New Delhi: In a short video clip released by the Congress on Saturday, party President Rahul Gandhi and his sister and party General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi were seen sharing some light moments in the midst of intense electioneering.
In the video, the two meet at Kanpur airport while traversing Uttar Pradesh for campaigning, hug each other, make brief comments and then board different helicopters to head for separate places for campaigning.
"Let me tell you what it means to be a good brother. I am doing these massive long flights and I am going in a little helicopter like that (gesturing towards a waiting chopper), squeezed up, and my sister is doing short flights and is going in a big helicopter (laughs) but I love her," Rahul Gandhi is heard saying, with Priyanka Gandhi besides him.
A smiling Priyanka Gandhi was heard responding: "That's not true. I have also gone on long flights."