Lakhimpur Kheri (Uttar Pradesh): A Kisan Sammelan was organized on Friday in Bhira village. In the conference, the UP BJP chief Swatantra Dev Singh read a lot of songs composed in praise of Prime Minister Modi and chief minister Yogi. Singh said Modi created history by building a grand Ram temple in Ayodhya, adding that he further wishes to construct grand temples in Dubai and London, too.
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Swatantra Dev Singh also said that to date no allegation of corruption has been levelled against the Modi government. The BJP leader also said that the Prime Minister does not have a pucca house of his own, but has set a target of providing a pucca house to all by 2022.
He also said that the "BJP-led government provided 40 lakh houses to the poor, irrespective of caste and that 1.38 crore people have been granted free electricity connection." He added that free ration cards were given to migrant labourers during the Corona crisis.
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At the same time, Swatantra Dev Singh also lauded Yogi's administrative skills, saying that no goon can be born in the state during his tenure. He said that the state government has been providing free coaching to girls and the issues pertaining to water scarcity in the Bundelkhand region has reduced considerably. He promised the BJP government will provide drinking water facilities to every household in the state by 2022.
On the other hand, the BJP leader who was addressing farmers at the Kisan Sammelan in Terai, did not utter a word regarding the ongoing farmers protest, MSP and the contentious three agricultural bills. However, he said that the government has given the Samman Nidhi directly to the farmers in their accounts.
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Meanwhile, Romi Sahni the BJP legislator from Palia raised the issues related to payment to sugarcane farmers in the presence of state party president. The BJP MLA stated that the farmers of Bajaj Sugar Mill in Palia and Gola are not being paid.
Sahni also said that the farmers' daughters are not getting married, unable to afford proper treatment and are not able to pay the children's fees, due to the non-payment. He said that the farmers depend on the payment of sugarcane, for their daily necessities. Finally, MLA Romi Sahni called on the state president to summon the officers of the sugar mill.