Kanpur: President Ram Nath Kovind along with his wife Savita Devi Kovind travelled in a special train from Delhi to his native village in Uttar Pradesh' Kanpur. It was after a gap of 15 years that an incumbent president travelled by train. This is also the first time that President Kovind visited his birthplace after becoming the president.
Speaking at a programme in Kanpur's Jhinjhak town, which is near to the President's birthplace Paraunkh village, Kovind said that being the highest-paid employee of the country, he also pays a hefty amount of Rs 2.75 lakh as tax every month which gets used in the development of the country.
"A major portion of my salary goes to tax but no one talks about that. Everyone just says that I get Rs 5 lakh a month. The officers and teachers get more salaries than the amount I am left with after paying the tax. I am saying this because development takes place from the money we pay as tax and so we should take care of our country's resources and not destroy them," he said, adding that sometimes people get so "excited" that they tend to burn trains, buses, and other public properties, which is definitely not a good trend.