Kanpur: A police inspector employed in Uttar Pradesh, his son and six other aides are under scanner for allegedly tormenting an MCA student and also attempting to murder him on Monday night. The alleged torture by Dharmendra Yadav tantamounted to savagery unbecoming of a police official, who ganged up with his son and spat on the face of Ayush while his son Himanshu alias Sunny Yadav forced the victim to drink urine.
The incident took place near the Koparganj Railway tracks. The survivor registered a complaint following which Kalyanpur Police made three arrests in the case. However, the main culprit, Sunny is absconding.
The survivor has been identified as Ayush. According to sources, Shubham Sonkar, Nandu Dubey, Rishabh Chauhan, Rajat, Mohit, Ayush Mishra and the main accused Sunny forcefully made Ayush drink urine and attacked him with a stick. Inspector Yadav then spit on his face and made him lick his slippers. They later dragged him inside a car and drove to the railway tracks where they shot at him. The bullet flew past Ayush's ear and he was saved.
Assistant Commissioner of Police, Kalyanpur, Abhishek Pandey said that Dharmendra Yadav and Nandu have been arrested while investigation is underway to nab the rest of them. Ayush, in his statement, said that the main accused Sunny had created a fake Instagram account in the name of a girl titled Divyanshi Pandey and had befriended him a month ago.