Lucknow: Police announced a bounty of Rs 25,000 on a youth absconding after the mysterious death of his neighbour girl, who fell from the fourth floor of a residential building in the Dubagga area of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, officials said. The deceased's family alleged she was pushed to death by the youth. The bounty has been announced by Police Commissionerate Lucknow on the accused Sufiyan.
Police announce Rs 25k bounty on youth absconding after girl's mysterious death in UP's Dubagga
The girl's family alleged she was pushed to death by the accused youth Sufiyan whose family maintained that she jumped off the building.
Police have also provided security to the family of the deceased girl. Sufiyan is accused to have pushed the girl from the apartment on Tuesday night after an argument broke out between the two. The girl's family alleged that Sufiyan their neighbour was harassing her for some time now and when they went to his family to confront them, Sufiyan pushed her from the fourth floor.
However, Sufiyan's family said that the girl herself jumped off the building. She was taken to the KGMU trauma centre where doctors declared her brought dead. The family later lodged a complaint against the accused, who is absconding. While the police investigation is underway, advocate Ranjana Agnihotri has offered to fight the case on behalf of the family. Five teams, including Lucknow Crime Branch, have been deployed to nab the accused Sufiyan.