Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh): As the anticipation built around Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Ayodhya on Saturday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said the inauguration of the new airport and the launch of other projects worth thousands of crores would usher in a "new era of development" in the temple town."
"A new era of development is going to be inaugurated today in Shri Ayodhya Dham by the respected Prime Minister @narendramodi ji", Chief Minister Adityanath posted from his official handle on X." Meanwhile, security has been heightened near the venue of the public meeting, which is to be headlined by PM Modi." The redeveloped Ayodhya Dham Junction railway station has been decked up with flowers in anticipation of the arrival of PM Modi, who will flag off new Amrit Bharat and Vande Bharat trains from the station modelled on the Ram Temple.
Earlier, on Friday, state Minister Surya Pratap Shahi said Ayodhya has been given a sparkling makeover ahead of the arrival of PM Modi. Prime Minister Modi will arrive in Ayodhya Dham tomorrow and will dedicate projects worth about Rs 11,000 crores to the people here. Ayodhya has been decked up beautifully in anticipation of the PM's visit. There's plenty of enthusiasm among locals around the grand consecration of the Ram Temple, Shahi said".
PM Modi will inaugurate various projects worth over Rs 15,000 crore during his visit to Ayodhya on Saturday. Around 11.15 am, Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate the redeveloped Ayodhya railway station and flag off new Amrit Bharat and Vande Bharat trains. He will also dedicate several other railway projects to the nation. Around 12.15 pm, he will inaugurate the newly built Ayodhya airport. Around 1 pm, Prime Minister Modi will participate in a public programme during which he will inaugurate, delicate to the nation and lay the foundation stone of multiple development projects worth more than Rs 15,000 crore in the state.