Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) : Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday inaugurated the world's largest meditation centre called Swarved Mahamandir in the temple town of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. Speaking on the occasion, PM Modi hailed the rich traditional culture and heritage of Varanasi also known as Kashi.
The prime minister said that a mindset began in the country after independence that opposed the reconstruction of Somnath Temple and had thrust a retrogressive complex that gripped the society for decades. Now, the wheel has turned and the country has declared freedom from that slave mentality by underscoring the need for enriching the nation's heritage, he said.
PM Modi said that in the past, the oppressors tried to weaken India by targetting its symbols, hence it became essential for re-building these cultural landmarks. The reconstruction work began from Somnath, he said, adding that Varanasi development is part of these efforts.
In his speech, PM Modi said that he was mesmerised by the world's largest meditation centre that has now come up in Varanasi. He said the people of Kashi have set new records and lots of job opportunities will be generated in the coming days in the temple town. He pushed for the development of Varanasi in all sectors.