Shamli (Uttar Pradesh): Prime Minister Narendra Modi Friday honored Diya Namdev, the girl from UP's Shamli who topped the recently declared class 10 CBSE exam. Diya along with her father met the PM at his official residence in New Delhi where Modi felicitated her for the rare feat. Diya secured 100 percent marks in all subjects in the 10th CBSE examination.
Also read:CBSE topper from Gorakhpur invited to witness R-Day parade
Diya's father Rajeev Garg said that he also got the opportunity to honor the Prime Minister by offering him a shawl. “It was all like a dream for me,” he said. He said he has twin daughters and it was because of Diya he got the honor of meeting the Prime Minister. “The Prime Minister himself got up from his chair and while talking to us very lovingly encouraged Diya to achieve her goals in future,” he said.
The father-daughter duo later met many political leaders in the Parliament. Diya praised PM Modi who she said “binds the country in one thread”. Diya, who aims to be an engineer, said that the Prime Minister's 'Make in India' model is “encouraging the youth”.