Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Police on Monday said that they have arrested the state head of Islamic outfit Popular Front of India (PFI) and his two aides for allegedly masterminding violence in the state capital during the protests against the amended Citizenship Act last week.
"We succeeded in arresting mastermind of Lucknow violence. Wasim, Nadeem and Ashfaq of PFI have been arrested by the police. While Wasim is state head, Ashfaq is treasurer and Nadeem is a member of PFI," SSP, Lucknow, Kalanidhi Naithani told reporters.
UP Deputy Chief Minister Dinesh Sharma had on Sunday said that authorities suspect the role of PFI and Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) in the violence during the anti-CAA protests in the state which has claimed 18 lives and left hundreds of people, including many policemen, injured.
Police have recovered placards, flags, pamphlets and papers, literature, newspaper cuttings and banners and posters of NRC/CAA protest from them, the SSP said.