Lucknow:The consumer court has imposed a fine of Rs 1.10 lakh on PepsiCo's authorised store for selling a sports drink bottle containing fungus while in a separate case, Rs 15,000 has been slapped on Reliance Communications for not providing a broadband connection despite payment.
Pepsico's authorised store in Noida has been accused of not only ignoring the complaint but denying a bill to the consumer. The consumer, Bharat, a resident of Arjunganj, told the consumer forum that he bought a sports drink bottle from 'Gatorade', the authorised store of PepsiCo in Noida on March 22, 2021. Due to the Covid restrictions at that time, it was told that the bill would be sent on WhatsApp.
"After opening the bottle at home, I found fungus inside it and complained to the store. But the store not only heard my complaint but refused to provide me any bill. Despite sending repeated notices, no reply was received at my end. When the sports drink sample was tested in the lab located in Aliganj, it was confirmed that the drink was contaminated. Based on the test report, a complaint was lodged in the consumer forum," the complainant said.
During the hearing, Consumer Forum II chairman Amarjeet Tripathi and member Pratibha Singh said that as per the order issued on October 20, 2023, the consumer will have to be provided a compensation of Rs 1.10 lakh. The forum also stated that if the fine is not paid on time then the consumer will have to be paid an interest at the rate of nine percent per annum along with the fine.