Gonda (Uttar Pradesh):Samajwadi Party MLA and Apna Dal Kamerawadi leader Pallavi Patel said that she does not believe in Ramcharitmanas. Talking to the media on Sunday at the PWD guest house here, Patel said, "There are numerous volumes of Ramayana, those who translated Ramcharitmanas, a poem based on the epic inducted some parts of Ramayana and added their thoughts. Particular castes and sects are targeted in Tulsidas' Ramcharitmanas."
"It is not important to exclude a paragraph or a word, those are imprinted on people's souls and minds. If we have to remove them, we need to expand our movement. The movement should be so huge that those words are erased from people's minds. I have not read Ramcharitmanas, nor do I believe in it, and I also don't consider Tulsidas a saint, he was a translator."
Patel said that she was traveling to spread the message of equality in society and a revolution should be orchestrated to erase the words from the poem that hurt the sentiments of a particular community.