Ballia: General Secretary of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Nirman Teerth Kshetra Champat Rai on Wednesday said that Hindus from Pakistan will be invited on the inauguration day of Ram temple in Ayodhya. While addressing a presser in Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh, Rai said that the consecration of the idols at the grand Ram temple will take place in December-January.
“Ayodhya will be filled with Ram devotees at the inauguration of the Ram temple. People from across the world will throng to witness the inauguration of the Ram temple. Besides, Hindus will be called from Pakistan as well,” Rai said. Rai said Ram temple being built in Ayodhya is a “symbol of the country's honour”.
Also read:"First phase of Ram Mandir to be completed by this December": Nripendra Mishra
He said that the temple was demolished by foreign invaders considering Indian army as weak. “Freedom fighters Mangal Pandey and Chittu Pandey are not only the sons of Ballia but the ones who protect the honor of 100 crore people of India,” he said. “Ram resides in the soul of this country. That's why the construction of this temple is akin to building the honor of the nation. This is not an ordinary temple. Just as there is no greater respect for the poor than employment and bread, this temple is also a sign of respect,” he added.
A grand three-storey Ram temple is being built in Ayodhya. Rai said that an idol of 5-year-old Lord Ram will be consecrated inside the Ram Mandir. Besides, idols of Sun God, Bhagwati, Ganapati and Lord Shankar will also be kept at the temple. Over a question regarding the FIR against Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, Rai said, “he shares an old bond with the saints of Ayodhya. That's why sages and saints sympathize with him”.
Rai on Wednesday addressed a 10-day training class of VHP's Kashi and Goraksh provinces in Ballia.