Muzaffarnagar:Hindu religious leader Sadhvi Prachi said on Wednesday that non-Hindus should not be allowed in the Char Dham Yatra. After offering her prayers at the Shiva Chowk in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar, Prachi said she called for the hanging of those who pelted stones at processions in the recent past because she observed that non-Muslims were not allowed inside exclusively Muslim festivals. "the Sant Samaj demands that non-Hindus should not participate in the Char Dham Yatra. Like other religions, we too should be strict," she stated.
"I thank Uttarakhand CM for hearing our plea and working to implement this," Prachi said. Her comments come after Pushkar Singh Dhami on Tuesday said that the state would conduct a 'verification drive' for those who are not Hindu yet want to participate in the journey, attributing the move to 'preserve the state's religion and culture'.