Noida (UP):The Gautam Buddh Nagar police on Wednesday said it has attached properties worth Rs 3.50 crore, including a land asset, belonging to mining mafia Sanjay Bhati alias Sanjay Momnathan.
The properties attached include movable and immovable assets and the action has been taken under the Gangsters Act on Bhati, who has at least 18 criminal cases against him, according to an official statement.
Officials said the clampdown on the mafia here in western Uttar Pradesh started in July in line with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's directives which came close on the heels of killing of eight policemen in Kanpur by henchmen of history-sheeter Vikas Dubey, who was eventually killed in an encounter by the Special Task Force.
"Illegally and ill-gotten properties worth Rs 3.50 crore of Sanjay Momnathan have been attached by the Gautam Buddh Nagar police under the Gangsters Act. The police commissionerate has so far attached properties worth approximately Rs 44 crore belonging to various mafia and gangsters here," according to the statement.