Bareilly: In a terrifying incident, a woman was found with severe burn injuries in the bushes in the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday. The incident took place in the Fatehganj West police station area. According to police, half of the woman's body from face to stomach has been burnt with acid.
On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and admitted the girl to the district hospital in critical condition. Senior Superintendent of Police Prabhakar Choudhary said that at around 8 am the villagers noticed the girl lying naked and informed the Fatehganj West police.
"Circle Officer Mirganj, Harsh Modi, and the police of Fatehganj West police station reached the spot and the girl was admitted to the district hospital. In the preliminary investigation, the woman has written the name of her village on paper. Further investigation is underway and action will be taken accordingly," he said.
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Dr AK Singh of District Hospital said, "Due to acid, the girl's face and torso had burnt badly. The girl is unable to speak. Due to the critical condition, she has been referred to PGI." The police informed the family members of the victim. The father of the victim, a resident of Shahi police station, told the media that his daughter was married to a young man from a village of Faridpur police station area on Saturday. He said that on Monday evening his son went to her daughter in-laws house and brought her. However, later the victim's father retracted his statement. However, the police have not given any statement about the incident yet.