Lucknow: Newly-appointed Uttar Pradesh BJP chief Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary met Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath at his residence here. In a tweet in Hindi, Chaudhary said, "Had an informal meet with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath at his residence after assuming the post of state BJP president." His appointment is seen as the BJP's attempt to reach out to the influential Jat community, which was at the forefront of the year-long farmers' protest against the three contentious farm laws.
Newly appointed UP BJP chief Bhupendra Chaudhary meets Adityanath
His appointment is seen as an attempt by the BJP to reach out to the influential Jat community, which was at the forefront of the year-long farmers' protest against the three contentious farm laws.
Chaudhary arrived in the state capital on Monday to a warm welcome by the party workers and said they will strive to win all 80 Lok Sabha seats in the state in the 2024 general election. He arrived from Delhi in a Shatabdi train and was accompanied by Union minister Sanjiv Balyan, former Union minister Mahesh Sharma and several party MPs and MLAs. BJP workers lined up to welcome the new state unit president from the Charbagh railway station to the party office in the Hazratganj area. (PTI)