Lakhimpur Kheri: Three miscreants, including a woman, who were decamping with the booty in an Innova car from Hyderabad to Nepal, ran out of luck on Thursday. The three persons, along with the stolen cash, valuables and ornaments running into lakhs of rupees, were arrested by the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) soldiers on the Indo-Nepal border checkpost close to Lakhimpur Kheri district in Uttar Pradesh.
The police said that three thieves were fleeing to Nepal after stealing cash and jewellery worth lakhs of rupees from a businessman's house in Hyderabad. "The three accused, including a woman, were arrested by the SSB jawans on the Indo-Nepal border close to Lakhimpur Kheri district in UP," said SSB DIG JD Vashisht. The Hyderabad police had passed on the information to the Sashastra Seema Bal that three Nepali citizens travelling in an Innova car after stealing cash and valuables from a businessman's house will cross the no man's land to enter the Himalayan state. Acting on a specific input provided by the Hyderabad police, the SSB stepped up vigil on the Indo-Nepal border since Wednesday. The Hyderabad police had also provided the photograph of the vehicle in which the trio was travelling. \