Kanpur (Rural):Mystery shrouded the death of four persons of a family at a village in Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh on Saturday afternoon. Police recovered the four bodies, including the head of the family, from a house at Hajipur village under Bhoganipur tehsil of the district. All four bodies were lying inside the house with faces in the downward position.
Police said that the deceased have been identified as 40-year-old Indrapal Nishad, wife Nisha (35), son Pravesh (12) and daughter Janvi (08). Indrapal was the breadwinner of the family. He was working in a private company in Gujarat. Indrapal had visited his home about a week ago. A neighbour, who visited their house for some work, saw the bodies lying inside the house and raised an alarm. On learning about the incident, villagers gathered at the spot. Later, villagers informed the police. On receiving the information, police, along with a forensic team, rushed to the spot to investigate the matter and collect evidence from the spot.