Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh): In a shocking incident, two minor children, aged 8 and 6 years, stayed in their house with their father's body for two days simply because they could not understand what had happened to him. On the third day, the children -- a boy and a girl -- went to a neighbour's house asking for food and said that they were hungry and their father "was not talking to them".
Suspecting something amiss, the neighbours went into their home and found their father's body, hanging low from the ceiling. The neighbours informed the police which later said that the deceased had most likely killed himself three days ago as his body had started decomposing.
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The wife of the deceased was living with her parents, following a tiff with her husband. The deceased, Manoj Dayal, 32, was working in Noida and had returned home after the lockdown was clamped. He was working from home at a reduced salary and his wife was living with her parents after a tiff.