Hamirpur:The burnt body of a missing girl was recovered by locals in Audera village in Uttar Pradesh's Hamirpur district on Friday. The 17-year-old deceased, who went missing 11 days ago, was found in a deserted area. Following this, police arrested two persons based on a missing complaint lodged by her family members. Speaking to ETV Bharat, the victim's father noted that he had lodged a police complaint on February 16, accusing village resident Harishchandra Kushwaha of misleading his daughter and taking her away. "If the police were active at the time, perhaps my daughter's life could have been saved" he said.
Also read:Girlfriend's nude videos lead to harassment, suicide attempt and murder
Speaking about the incident, Superintendent of Police in Rath Kotwali Police Station Shubham Patel said the two persons were arrested and a case has been registered against them, based on the complaint of family members. "A case has been registered against Harishchandra Kushwaha and Sukhlal Kushwaha based on complaints received so far. Both have been taken into custody and are being interrogated. Appropriate legal action will be taken as soon as the truth of the matter comes to the fore" the police said.
Meanwhile, the leaking of the nude video of a young man's girlfriend led to harassment, suicide attempt, and eventually murder in Andhra Pradesh's Kurnool district recently. The elaborate flow of incidents was uncovered by police, who said Erukeli Dinesh, the murder accused, had kept the videos in his phone, which his friend Mallepogu Muralikrishna happened to access.
The latter blackmailed the girl, threatening to leak the clips to her friends and family. Under pressure, the young woman tried to die by suicide, and was admitted to a hospital. According to the police, this enraged Dinesh, who hatched a plan and successfully killed Muralikrishna with help of another acquaintance in the Balajinagar area of Kurnool.