Hathras: In a shocking incident of alleged sexual assault, a 7-year-old girl was raped by a 17-year-old youth at a village in Hathras district of Uttar Pradesh, police said. On the complaint of the victim's father, the police have registered a report against the accused. The alleged sexual assault is believed to have taken place on Tuesday, Nov 7 at the village in Sikandra Rau police station limits of the district.
In his complaint, the father of the girl said that on Tuesday November 7, at around 2.30 pm, his 7-year-old daughter was grazing goats on the side of the road in Tikri Khurd village, about 500 meters away from their house. The man said that a boy living in the township who was walking on the road found his daughter alone and molested her.
Also read:UP: Rape case filed after 26 years after son asked mother about his father