Mathura (Tamil Nadu): A mentally-challenged woman from Mathura in Uttar Pradesh has been reunited with her family after two decades. It is learnt that the victim Mubina, wife of Rishar, had left home 20 years ago due to some family problems. Mubina, who is suffering from a mental disorder, did not return home ever since and was roaming around Tirupatthur bus stand in Tamil Nadu.
It is learnt that 11 years ago, the local police handed her over to a Mental Rehabilitation Home located in the Railway Station area. The founder of the Mental Rehabilitation Home, Ramesh, has been taking care of her. Two weeks ago, one Arun Kumar, a resident of Tiruppatthur and who was working in the Air Force in Agra, happened to visit the Rehabilitation Centre to give food to the people on the occasion of his relative's birthday.