Ambedkar Nagar:In a shocking incident of murder, a man allegedly killed his wife by strangling her to death while she was asleep in Ambedkar Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh on Thursday night, officials said. The accused husband, who is said to have been in jail for the murder of his previous wife is absconding after the alleged murder while police have launched a manhunt to nab the accused.
An official said that the incident took place at village Khetapur of Tanda Kotwali area of Ambedkarnagar district. It is learnt that Sunita (40), a Dalit woman living was murdered by her husband identified as Parshuram (45) who allegedly strangulated her while she was fast asleep last night. After killing his wife, accused Parshuram fled the spot and is absconding in the case.
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Tanda Kotwali in-charge Amit Singh, who reached the spot, said that the body has been sent for post-mortem adding that Parashuram is absconding after the murder. Singh said that the acused is a serial criminal and had previously gone to jail for the murder of his first wife. The police is investigating the entire matter and the accused will be arrested soon, the police officer said.
It is learnt that the accused has married five women so far. Parashuram had married for the first time about 25 years ago and has three children from his first wife, which include two daughters and a son. Almost ten years after their marriage, Parshuram strangled his first wife to death in a similar fashion. He was also jailed for the crime.
After being released from jail, Parashuram married three other women and then distanced himself from them. He married Sunita for the fifth time about three years ago, sources said. After living together for three years, Parashuram also killed Sunita. It is being told that his twenty year old son stays away from him due to being fed up with the exploits of Parashuram.