Baghpat (Uttar Pradesh): UP's Chandinagar police on Thursday recovered a body of a 16-year-old girl from the Hindon river. The police nabbed the victim's father Pramod, a home guard, who is a resident of Pachin, for allegedly killing her after he discovered the victim talking to a boy. Circle Officer Khekra Preeta Singh said that the victim went missing on February 26.
An unknown person informed the police that Pramod killed his daughter and dumped her body into the Hidon river. Taking the matter seriously, Pramod was taken into custody and interrogated. The police also engaged divers to search for the body in the river. The police sent the body for postmortem after the divers recovered it on Thursday. Singh further said that a murder case has been registered against Pramod. He has been taken into custody and the police are interrogating him. The accused will be produced in the court soon and the culprit will be punished under relevant sections of the law.