Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh):In an uncanny incident, a father found an earthen pot with a newborn girl in it when he was digging a pit to bury his own stillborn daughter who had died minutes after birth.
According to reports, Hitesh Kumar Sirohi, a trader, rescued the newborn girl and fed her milk using cotton. The girl has now been admitted to a private hospital.
According to Superintendent of Police (city) Abhinandan Singh, Sirohi's wife Vaishali is a sub-inspector posted in Bareilly.
She was admitted to a private hospital last week after she complained of labour pains.
She gave birth to a seven-month premature girl, who died within a few minutes.
Sirohi had gone to bury his daughter and as the pit was being dug, at a depth of three feet, the spade hit an earthen pot, which was pulled out. There was a baby girl lying in it.