Firozabad:The police registered an FIR against a man in Jasrana based on a complaint lodged by his wife, According to police, a woman complained that her husband made a video call to her while she was taking a bath and recorded it. Later, he posted the videos and photos on social media. The victim told the police that she came to know about it only when she started getting obscene calls from people after the incident. When she asked her husband to remove the photos and videos, he refused, according to police. The woman told the police that her husband lives in Delhi and works in a circus, hence, why they often talk through video calls.
Man booked for posting obscene videos of wife on social media
A woman lodged a complaint with the police stating that her husband made a video call while she was taking a bath and recorded it, Later, he posted the videos and photos on social media. The victim woman told the police that she came to know about it only when she started getting obscene calls after the incident.
Women accuses husband of posting her obscene photos and videos
Also Read:UP woman accuses husband of raping her with friends, alleges police inaction
Inspector in-charge Azadpal Singh said that the woman has accused her husband of posting objectionable photos and videos of her on Facebook. After registering an FIR based on her complaint, the police have been searching for the accused.
Last Updated : Sep 1, 2022, 4:12 PM IST