Man attacks police station in charge during public hearing in Uttar Pradesh's Sambhal Sambhal(Uttar Pradesh):A man allegedly attacked the police station in-charge with a blade during a public hearing in Uttar Pradesh's Sambhal, the police said on Sunday. The police arrested the accused and started an investigation into the incident. The police officer has been identified as Satyendra Singh Panwar, the Chandausi Police Station in-charge.
Panwar was holding a public hearing in Sambhal on Sunday. Meanwhile, a man, identified as Guljari, arrived with his complaint and attacked the police station in-charge with a blade and hit him in the face. The police station in-charge was immediately taken to the Community Health Centre of Chandausi for medical treatment.
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On receiving the information, police personnel, including the Superintendent of Polie (SP) Kuldeep Singh Gunawat and Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Shrish Chandra, reached the spot. The police have then arrested the accused. According to the police, the accused was mentally unsound.
SP Kuldeep Singh said that Chandausi police station in-charge was attacked during the public hearing. The attacker has been identified as Guljari, son of Kallu, a resident of Kaithal village. The Superintendent of Police said, "The attacker is mentally unsound. Meanwhile, the condition of the police station in-charge is stated to be stable. A probe has been oprdered to investigate the incident."