Ballia: In a shocking incident reported from Uttar Pradesh, a man allegedly committed suicide after killing his wife and two children by slitting their throats in Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh on Sunday night, police said. The horific triple murder and suicide incident has taken place at Gram Sabha Devdih under Bansdih Kotwali police station limits of Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh.
A police official said that at around 11 pm on Sunday night, bodies of four people of the same family were found in the garden, in which the throats of a woman and two children were slit with sharp weapons. While the body of one person was found hanging from a tree there. Police suspected that the deceased man identified as Shravan Ram, son of Mohan Ram, resident of Devdih, killed his wife Shashikala Devi (35 years) and two children with a sharp weapon in the mango orchard near the house and threw the body there.
After killing the wife and children, Ram committed suicide, police said. He also left behind a purported suicide note before taking the extreme step. Police suspect that there was a dispute between the husband and wife on Sunday night. In a fit of rage, the man killed his wife and children and later committed suicide, police said.