Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh):Ninety per cent of the work on the idol of Lord Ram to be installed in the sanctum sanctorum of the Ram temple in Ayodhya of Uttar Pradesh has been completed. Eminent sculptor Vipin Bhadauria said that the Ram idol will be ready by October 30. By that date, the idol will be ready for viewing by the members of the trust, he said. He explained that the idol will be in the form of a child Ram.
Three idols of Lord Rama are being made
A total of three idols of Ram are being made. It seems that different sculptors are carving these. The most beautiful of these three idols is selected and installed in the sanctum and sanctorum of Ram Mandir. Vipin Bhadauria says that Ram's idol will impress everyone. Lord Ram's idol is more attractive than the devotees imagine. "We have worked hard for this. The idol of Lord Ram will be 51 inches tall and it will be in the form of a child Ram. The work of the idol is 90 per cent complete. The child Ram will hold a bow and an arrow. He will be sitting on a lotus. Finishing touches are being made to the idol. It will be completed by October 30. Later, the trust will examine the idols", said sculptor Vipin Bhadauria.