Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh): A look-out notice has been issued against singer Samar Singh and another man in connection with the alleged suicide of popular Bhojpuri actor Akanksha Dubey, who was found dead in a hotel room in Sarnath. Details of the two accused -- Samar Singh and Sanjay Singh -- have also been sent to all airports to prevent them from leaving the country, the SHO of Sarnath Dharmpal Singh said.
Advocate Shashak Shekhar Tripathi, who has taken up the case for the actress' mother Madhu Dubey, has raised a question mark on the post-mortem report and said that he was seeking the advice of medical experts and based on it preparing questions for the police. Tripathi had on Wednesday demanded a probe by the CBI or CB-CID into the matter. In a letter to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, he alleged that the 25-year-old actress' death was not by suicide, rather she was killed by some people in the hotel room.